Monday, April 18, 2011

Network Computers

Pick a day and list how often in that day you come into contact with a computer, especially one that you think might be networked. We all have networked computers at work and at school, but where else do you see them being used?

On a normal business day, I am on a computer about 75% of the day. I use my laptop anytime I am at my apartment or in class and my work computer when I am at work. Both computers are run on a wireless network even though one is a laptop and the other is a stationary PC. Wireless networking is becoming increasingly popular, and you see those computers being used in many and most businesses. Computers are used in most modern businesses and the wireless networks are more and more convenient. For instance, many restaurants are enacting free "Wi-Fi" which is awesome for me because I love to go to coffee shops and restaurants to study.

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